Cannabis Growing Operations: Hidden Dangers & Safety Solutions
While the cannabis industry’s attention is focused on the debates surrounding legalization versus sole use for medicinal purposes, the protection for those working in the production of cannabis seems to have been overlooked.

The safety hazards to growing cannabis are many and can be fatal. Earlier this year in Massachusetts a 27 year old's death was linked to the Cannabis Industry.
The safety hazards are numerous. There is the exposure to substances like fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides. This would include those in the agricultural sectors where hazards from biological, chemical and physical hazards like elevated noises levels, pressurized equipment, confined spaces and ultraviolet light.
Despite the fact that there currently is no federal regulations for the cannabis industry in particular, OSHA can and does inspect processiong operations and will site workplace violations for the safety of workers. There are many things a facility can do to maintain a safe workplace for the product and workers. Assess potential workplace hazards and train workers in the use of proper PPE. PPE for cannabis handling is critical in keeping workers safe.
A catalog containing specifically chosen safety equipment for the cannabis industry is available. Learn more about the proper equipment by downloading your free copy today!
Safety Issues for Cannabis Growing Facilities
Many cannabis or marijuana growing facilities assume growing falls under agricultural safety. However, there are unique hazards to growing and processing cannabis.
Download this free resource that gives an overview of these different types of facilities and the unique hazards and related safety issues to consider.