INFOGRAPHIC: Safety Helmets Quick Reference Guide
This guide illustrates the benefits of safety helmets opposed to conventional hard hats and the options available based on different applicational and environmental hazards. INFOGRAPHIC >>

Why safety helmets?
Safety helmets feature an integrated chin strap designed to ensure a comfortable and secure fit to a workers head - even in the event of a trip, slip or fall - elminating the chance of head protection dislodging and leaving a worker defenseless if gravity were to take over.
SAFETY HELMETS: Understanding the protective options available to you
Understanding the differences between the certifications and standards each safety helmet meets can help safety managers identify the correct solution needed based on the applicational and environmental risks at hand.
Choosing the correct Electrical Class
CLASS E Electrical - For work around high voltage electrical hazards up to 20,000V
CLASS G General - For work around medium voltage electrical hazards up to 2,000V
CLASS C. Conductive - For work around NO electrical hazards and increased air flow
Suspension Options
The suspension system of a hard hat absorbs the force of an impact, otherwise known as "force displacement." The amount of suspension points spread out the force of an impact to protect the wearer, dispersing the initial impact or "force."
See what would happen when a ten-pound impact hits a 4-Point, 6-Point and 8-Point suspension >>
Contact us for assistance in choosing the ideal safety helmet for your facility.