Qualitative Fit Test
We offer Qualitative Fit Tests (QLFT) which is a method to assess the effectiveness of a mask's seal by detecting the presence of any leakage. Qualitative fit testing is a qualitative, pass/fail assessment commonly used for disposable respirators. [Learn more]
Who Needs A Fit Test?
OSHA requires employers to have respiratory protection programs in place wherever workers are required to wear respirators on the job.
How often is a Fit Test Required?

Before a worker wears a respirator on the job he is required to have a Fit Test. Thereafter, it must be assessed at least annually. However, a worker is required to have a Fit Test sooner if
• A different size, style, model or make of respirator is used.
• Any facial changes occur that could affect fit, such as significant weight fluctuation or dental work.
Why is this important?
Proper fit testing is necessary to determine the correct size and ensure adequate protection. Tight-fitting respirators must seal to the wearer’s face in order to provide the expected protection. This includes disposable respirators. A danger of wearing an improperly fitted mask can lead to them performing tasks that could harm them.
If your respirator does not fit your face properly contaminated air can leak in to your face piece and you could breathe in harmful substances.
Using a respirator that fits properly protects your safety!